After decades, DHEA is still relevant
The numerous benefits of naturally produced androgenic hormones such as testosterone, DHT, and DHEA have become a popular topic in alternative health news digests. Their importance is easily conveyed by the fact that the androgen to cortisol ratio is used as a reliable biomarker for all-cause mortality.1 Additionally, their estrogen-inhibiting nature makes them perfect for combating the modern-day onslaught of estrogen-mimicking compounds in our environment called xenoestrogens.
There are many pathologies that androgens can treat, and we would know of even more if it wasn’t for these compounds being regulated and demonized into near extinction. In 1990, the Anabolic Steroids Control Act was passed making androgenic steroids Schedule III drugs and then in 2004 the act was amended to include many prohormones and precursors that increase androgens. Luckily, one fortuitous precursor was not included: DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone).
DHEA’s benefits do not only come from its ability to turn into more potent androgens like testosterone and DHT. DHEA exhibits significant anti-aging capabilities itself. One study showed that DHEA rejuvenates the immune system in aged males.2 A healthy immune system plays a crucial role in supporting anti-aging processes. Another study showed that DHEA lowers cortisol,3 which increases with stress and causes aging.
The fact that androgens are a prophylactic against many diseases explains why the dangers of androgens have been broadcasted through mainstream news outlets: Big Pharma would rather prescribe you multiple drugs instead of one hormone. They make more money that way. The broadcasted harms of androgens have been criminally over-exaggerated. The hormones that really need to be monitored for elevation are cortisol and estrogen, both of which are kept in check by sufficient androgen levels.45
Surprisingly there was an article about the potential benefits of testosterone replacement therapy for women on NBC recently.6 The article’s appearance on a mainstream news outlet signifies radical changes in thinking among health experts that have occurred lately. We will likely see these new ways of thinking have observable effects on the country as people like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are poised to take leadership positions in government sectors related to health and wellness. One of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s desires is to dismantle entire departments at the FDA which were likely involved in androgens disappearing from clinical settings.7
If you begin DHEA supplementation and want to limit its conversion into estrogen, you can combine it with an aromatase inhibitor like chrysin. Another way to limit its conversion into estrogen is taking pregnenolone alongside the DHEA in a 3:1 (milligrams) pregnenolone to DHEA ratio according to bioenergetics expert Georgi Dinkov.8
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